Ska be Program

Ska be Program

Improving Wholistic Wellness for Urban Indigenous Seniors & Those with a Disability

Funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care of Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan, the Ska-Be Program offers assistance to Seniors and those with disabilities or chronic illness to maintain their health, wellbeing, and independence in the safety of their home, while enhancing their awareness and practice of traditions, culture, and ceremony. The Ska-be Program assists participants and their families to participate in the development and implementation of the participants care plan based on the 7 Directions Medicine Wheel, and will help to navigate through the healthcare system,
accessing supports such as:

  •  Homemaking
  • Cleaning
  • Shopping
  • Transportation
  • Preparation of Meals
  • Personal Hygiene Care



‘Indigenous Elders are our Knowledge Keepers and it’s our responsibility to care for them.’ Ooh day Kwe

Are you interested in Volunteering with the Ska-be Program?

The Ska-Be Program is accepting Volunteers for the roles of transportation support, event Assistance, and  ‘Friendly Visitors.’ If you have time in your schedule to assist seniors and those with a disability or a chronic illness with attending appointments, or sharing time and stories together, please contact us today!  Be aware there is a process involved in volunteering that require a Driver’s Abstract and / or a Criminal Reference Check.