BLOCKERS & ATTACKERS 2020 Media Release – Sept. 8

Sept. 8, 2020 For Immediate Release



Sept. 8, 2020  (Niagara Region, ON) – Niagara Chapter – Native Women Inc. announces that tickets sales are now open online at for the much-anticipated fundraising event BLOCKERS AND ATTACKERS: Indigenous Women In Sports Leadership! Delivered Saturday, Sept. 19 virtually. This event was postponed from March due to the State of Emergency and COVID-19 shut downs.

Headliner, Waneek Horn-Miller, Mohawk (Water Polo Olympian) recently stated she is ‘’so pleased the Chapter has found a way to still deliver this amazing event. It brings hope that life is still going on through these difficult times.” She will deliver a motivational talk of her athletic life and so much more!!!

“BlackRock Bruiser” AKA Jessica Ghosen, Seneca (of Lake Effect Furies Roller Derby and Team Indigenous) is getting her game face on!!! Super jazzed to deliver her story, she will also share tips and tricks of the flat track.

Nicole Joy-Fraser, Settler European, Dene Zaa, Nehiyaw and Métis (Performing Artist) will premier an original Indigenous song created to generate and bring hope as she shares her special talents and teachings.

Host MC, Amy Wilson-Hands, Ojibwe (Volleyball athlete and Coach) recently in town shooting some pre-records stated she’s “super excited!!” This event “gave [her] something to look forward to, knowing [she’s] supporting real Indigenous women’s sporting lives to the audience” “It’s so important and rarely talked about. These strong Indigenous women are leaders.” Recently named to the Canada Games 2021 Mission Committee, Amy’s been coaching Indigenous volleyball throughout Turtle Island. “I totally get what it’s like out there.”

YOU want to take in this event from the comfort of your home, virtually delivered Saturday, Sept. 19 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Join our first-ever Indigenous Armchair Café, fundraising event. Swag and door prizes to be delivered. 

Tickets $150 with a portion charitably receipted online at:

Niagara Chapter – Native Women Inc. is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis and Inuit women and their families, within First Nation, Métis, Inuit and Canadian societies. We believe in becoming involved in the activities that affect our daily lives.

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For additional information please contact:
Manvinder Bhamra

Resource Development
Tel.: 905-871-8770      Cell: 647-467-5745