Indigenous Anti-Human Trafficking Liaison


Virtual Sessions Now Available
(In-person when available)


What is Human Trafficking?

Human Trafficking is defined as:

  • recruiting, transporting, transferring, receiving, holding, concealing, or harbouring a person;
  • exercising control, discretion or influence over the movements of a person to exploit them;
  • or to assist in facilitating their exploitation

(sections 279.01 and 279.011 of the Canadian Criminal Code).

Indigenous Anti-Human Trafficking

Indigenous people make up just over 4% of the Canadian population yet over 50% of the illegally human trafficked persons are Indigenous.


Niagara Chapter – Native Women seeks to educate you to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms. Anyone may be trafficked and not realize it.

What We Offer:

  • educational in-service capacity building to social service providers
  • information engagements with business, organization and institutional employees
  • increased awareness across sectors provincially via information sharing
  • education to affect systems change at multiple levels

What Can YOU Do?

  • BOOK US right away for an information session
  • Identify and report
  • Provide information for safer spaces
  • Educate your organization or institution and your immediate circle 



Indigenous Anti-Human Trafficking Liaison
(905) 871-8770

This program service is made possible with contributions from the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA). The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Ontario Native Women’s Association.