
Interesting News

(September 9, 2021) NiagaraThisWeek: The Way I See It: Your Great Standard of Living Came at Whose Expense?

(September 2, 2021) NiagaraThisWeek: Federal Election: Indigenous Voices Need to be Heard, Sturgeon Says

(August 25, 2021) The St. Catharines Standard: Indigenous Women Poised to Have Voices Heard in Election

(August 23, 2021) The Turtle Island News: We’re Done Asking, We’re Voting: NWAC launches get out the vote campaign for Indigenous women, girls, and gender diverse people

(December 10, 2020) Anti Human Trafficking: Ontario Increasing Supports for Young Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking

(November 5, 2020) NationTalk: Government of Canada provides funding for Anishinabek Nation Circle Process to Support Child and Youth Well-Being

(July 14, 2020) The Globe and Mail: Ontario issues directive to end controversial practice of issuing birth alerts in the province

(July 14, 2020) ONWA: Ontario listens to Indigenous women in new directive ceasing the practice of Birth Alerts

(June 21, 2020) Ontario News: Ontario Announces Members of New Indigenous Women’s Advisory Council

(June 24, 2020) CTV News: Millions of dollars in COVID-19 fines disproportionately hurting Black, Indigenous, marginalized groups: report

(April 17, 2020) News Release by Ministry of Education: Ontario Establishes Key Partnerships to Make Home Learning More Accessible